Like a mountain tempted to dip its feet in the sea, the Maures massif steps forward gently, without imposing excessive relief except for the rocks of the Giens peninsula, on one side, and the Brégançon fort, on the other, to go and languish on a sandy beach bordered by pine forests. Brooms, oleanders, umbrella pines, cork oaks surround the flourishing vineyards of Côtes-de-Provence La Londe, to our great delight. Here, vines grow facing the sea and enjoy a breathtaking view of the Gulf and the Golden Islands: Porquerolles, Port-Cros and Le Levant. They benefit from a mild and dry climate but also from plenty of sunshine (3000 h / year) and an almost permanent sea breeze that give them their unique character.
With their immediate neighbours of the communes of Hyères, Bormes-les-Mimosas and La Crau, the winegrowers of La Londe-les-Maures are convinced that they share a real identity of terroir, climate and know-how.They decided to form an association in order to have their terroir recognized shortly before the 2001 harvest. Without overstatement, with calm and determination, they wanted to give more meaning and merit to their local wines, whose particular ‘grain’, the delicate imprint of the schistose soil, the undeniable elegance, they agreed to recognize. With this principle in mind, by taking their time, working with wisdom and responsibility, they wished to imprint their original identity on the Provence map. This has been done since May 2008 with the recognition by the Institut National des Appellations d'Origine of the AOC / AOP ‘"Côtes de Provence - La Londe’" terroir designation.
The Chambers of Agriculture is present in each department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, and run by 276 elected professionals. They are the "transmitters" of the spirit and skills of this art which is so essential to the local, regional and national economy. Led by 344 employees in 21 sites, the Chambers' activities contribute to the dynamism of each department and the region in a sustainable development approach.